Embracing the gospel; growing together in Christ
Matthew 19:13-22; The Gospel of Life
The Bible is the sole objective standard for our congregation. We believe It to be verbally, wholly inspired by God and inerrant in the original texts, complete in revelation, final in content, absolute in authority in all matters to which they speak.
From the moment you walk through the door at Tabernacle, the people you meet will make you feel welcome. You will find out quickly that the people at Tabernacle are not just friendly, but we care about one another like family.
Meeting God
While we want to get to know you, we also want you to get to know God. If you do not have a relationship with God, we would like to show you from the Bible what God has done in Jesus Christ.
After introducing people to Jesus Christ and discipling them to maturity in the faith, our final goal is to light a fire in their soul by offering enough options for anyone to start engaging in ministry.